Late-breaking news:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

InfoAge Meeting, Wednesday April 15

Hello All,

We will have our regular meeting, on Wednesday, April 15th at 6:45PM.

At our last meeting John K. from the Monmouth Council of Boy Scouts outlined their Camporee at InfoAge the 24th - 27th of April. During this meeting we will go over the tours or other activities we can provide during the event.

With the transfer we have been very busy. Lots going on. This report will be missing some detail. We face the challenges of keeping the momentum of our regular activities

increasing and meeting the challenges of the additional grounds and buildings.

We are in Emergency Stabilization mode now. We are attacking worse first. Thank you to those who are helping to find the roof leaks, and other challenges we have with the building.

*Status of tactical goals we set last meeting:*

1) Our safety walk around to find, fix or label any safety hazards.

-The status of the electrocution hazard in 9035. On Thursday a contractor repaired the damaged roof structure, and replaced the tar-paper and shingles.

The contractor also re-roofed 9400. This historic structure is the site of the Special technical unit that used seismic wave detection equipment to monitor Soviet nuclear tests. It is also the building the Army refused Sen. Joe McCarthy's demands to allow his staff entry into a top secret project.

The contractor also re-roofed 9057, the two bay garage will also be re-roofed to help the town quiet a continuing complaint on its condition.

This week 9017 will be re-roofed. This is the two story WW2 Special Antenna Shelter build to house the mobile SCR-268 radar. It was reworked in the 1980s to house the Fire Finder Project.

2) To Secure the site and buildings as much as possible.

Steve G. and Nels have secured as many doors as possible. We are now looking for replacement doors for those the BRAC contractors disposed of.

3) To Photo document the buildings to record their condition at transfer and for future reference.

-We have this started, but safety issues were more important. Thank you to Dan L. and Neil N. and others for photo documenting more buildings.

4) To Begin emergency stabilization.

- We had roofs replaced this week. We also did some patches in two section of the 'H' buildings. With this weekends rain we found many more leaks in the 'H' building roofs. Pete R., Nels, Dan L., and Neil N. when throughout the buildings with a 16' 1x2 with a paint brush marking the roof leaks with yellow paint. There are over twenty known

leaks. Wind and rain from another direction will show more leaks. We may have to replace the 'H' buildings roofs sooner than later.

- Our next challenge is storm water drainage around the WW2 wooden buildings. Nels has continued removing debris on the grounds that can put our volunteers in danger from flying metal objects hit by mower blades. We will ask the scouts to help here.

5) Inspect the electrical system and work with JCP&L to improve our costs. We need to save electricity.

-Dave Sn., Richard B., and I will met with a JCP&L layout tech on Wednesday to survey the Diana/TIROS site to remove it from our main power grid. We are asking JCP&L to supply that area from their lines on the street. The tech agreed with Richard B. that a set of transformers can be placed across the street. This will remove 6 transformers (600 KVA) from the site and eliminate a potential safety hazard.

*During the week...*

Ray C., and company were at work on Wednesday.

Bob P. and staff made electrical repairs in 9059. A GFI outlet was

added to 9059.

Architect Rich Grasso of the Glendola Lions Club was given the measurements of the 9032 restrooms to add additional facilities for our wheelchair visitors in keeping with the WW2 look.

Dave Sica is adding this past weeks email and future ones to the InfoAge blog.

Dave also organized video equipment in the former gift shop room.

*During the weekend...*

The NJARC had a well attended meeting. Thank you to President Richard Lee for allowing me to address the group to ask for help

On Sunday we were closed for Easter.

This week Dan L. is working on our Newsletter.

Dan L. and Evan K. will be visiting Boston to research Marconi and WW2 countermeasures history at the Harvard archives. They will be driving together to save $$. What dedication. Six hours one way!!!
We will deliver the reproduction of the "J.G. White Engineering Corporation" Builders plaque to our friends at the Chatham Marconi Station. Thanks to Bob Judge for another great work. Bob also made the model of the Marconi Hotel that was displayed in the White House during the year the SAVE AMERICA'S TREASURES projects were invited to send models of their buildings to raise awareness of the excellent preservation efforts around the country.

We saved 12 WW2 interior doors from the buildings which Brookdale will demolish. We will use these to replace the modern doors in 9032C to return the WW2 look and feel. This building will be our WW2 home-front exhibit in the future.

Thank you to Terry L. for earning her second Junior Fire Marshal badge.

*Upcoming events to plan for...

April 18th - Tutorial #3 - Dr. Ray Chase tells the history of radar

The Monmouth Boy scouts want to hold their *Camporee at InfoAge on April 24th - 26th*. Lots of scouts. Lot of opportunity to educate and Inspire. We need to plan this BIG ONE.

The May Shipwreck Symposium and Auction. Guys please send materials to create a webpage on our website.

***I must run*** More items in next weeks mail.

In a review of the National Historic Landmark theme studies our site could qualify for NHL status under three studies. *Anyone want to start an application? *

The 'WW2 and the Homefront' study recommends Camp Evans as a potential NHL.

The Marconi Belmar Station could fit under the 'Travel and Communications' theme in the wireless area.

The test of the regenerative circuit, Weagant's static elimination advances and the Navy WWI communications center make the site NHL significant.

Under the 'Man in Space' theme the TIROS ground control center, the TLM-18 antenna, the mini-track calibration center, satellite tracking starting with Sputnik, Explorer, Pioneer V and all US and Soviet launches should qualify under the 'satellite tracking facilities chapter.

This weekend we were in shock and did not even think to finish the scratch coat on 9006. Soon we will knock this off to earn the balance of the MCHC grant payment.

****Something with very positive potential: ****

Please note: Infoage is an official Save America's Treasure's Project and we are a Preserve America Steward organization. Wall Township is a Preserve America Community

President Barack Obama signed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 on March 30, which included authorization for Preserve America and Save America's Treasures grants.

In addition to the grants, the law codifies the designation of Preserve America Communities as one of the entities eligible to apply for grants. It gives the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) the responsibility to establish any necessary guidelines for the designation process in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior. The ACHP is also specifically directed to establish an expedited process for Preserve America Community designation for Certified Local Governments that are established under the National Historic Preservation Act.

The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) urges Preserve America Communities, Preserve America Presidential Award winners or aspirants, Preserve America Stewards and local heritage preservation organizations to create local service learning and/or community service opportunities for students and school systems across the United States.

The concept is simple: use local heritage resources that can benefit from meaningful volunteer efforts to create community service opportunities for students in ways that are integral to their educational progress and fill real community needs.

The ACHP, its members and partners--Learn and Serve America (part of the Corporation for National and Community Service) and Heritage Education Services of the National Park Service--are leading the effort to use local heritage resources to widen public appreciation for history and preservation and involve youth in meaningful community service.

To learn how service learning can benefit preservation organizations and local communities and understand how to create such opportunities with local schools, click here .

To learn more about the overall effort and the ACHP's participation click here . The ACHP would like to hear from you. If you already have a service learning project underway and would consider sharing your experiences, please e-mail the ACHP with brief information on the project and contact information for learning more here .

***** I will be asking someone to research these grants. I did one grant for Save America in 2002 and one for Preserve America in 2005 (lots of paper) - but when they called about the status of the transfer - all I could tell them way sorry the transfer has been delayed. As of March 24th 4PM that all changed....and the bill was signed on the 30th...

*Reasons to tell persons why to donate to our effort NOW: *

1) Saves an incredibly historic site

2) Honors WWII Signal Corps and Honor Front veterans

3) Helps education by inspiring kids to learn science

4) Furthers the development of a NJ Shore tourist destination.

5) Will create full and part-time employment

6) Improves property values in the North Wall and Shark River area.

7) We are the White House recognized stewards of the Camp Evans Historic District and now it is under our protection for future generations

*No Passion = No Progress. We have passion and we are progressing.*

I extend a warm welcome to you to join in the meeting tomorrow.

As President Kennedy sort of said..."Ask not want InfoAge can do for you, ask what you can do for InfoAge".

Please remind me of things of have overlooked in this email. Please excuse they items I have missed. No slight intended.Thank you,


732 299-0894

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2201 Marconi Road, Wall Township, New Jersey, United States