Late-breaking news:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

InfoAge Meeting, Wednesday May 20.

Hello All,

We will have our regular meeting, on Wednesday, May 20th at 6:45PM. I
extend a warm welcome to you to join in the meeting tomorrow. RSVP for
your favorite style of pizza.

*Future events: *
Saturday the 6th - InfoAge "Wall of Honor" Dinner and Fundriser
Hosted by the InfoAge Board of Trustees

Saturday the 13th - “The History & Development of Electronic Warfare” -
A Technical Tutorial by Mr. John Cervini, 1 PM in Bldg. 9059
Saturday the 20th - InfoAge 3rd Annual Antique & Classic Car Show
Presented by the Military Technology Museum of New Jersey
Saturday June 20st from 10:00am to 4:00pm (Rain date) Saturday June 27th.
Registration Donation $15.00. Questions ? (908) 489-6418 (Cell)
Trophies, Dash Plaques for first (50) entries, Food, Music.


We are in Emergency Stabilization mode now. We are attacking worse first.
We face the challenges of keeping the momentum of our regular activities
increasing and meeting the challenges of the additional grounds and
Our next steps are to secure the remaining broken or missing doors,
repair the three roof leaks that we suspect can be causing structural
damage and begin repainting the metal DDUs to protect them from further
rust damage. Anyone want to help?

This past week was super busy. Just some of the things I know of or
can recall at this hour. Please email the items I forget, It is
important to report our progress.

*During the week... and weekend...*

-Nels W. and Pete R. went above - their normal above and beyond. They
mowed and "weed wacked" the entire main site, including the new field.
-Nels and Pete also removed the fence the BRAC persons put by 9010D and
9092. They removed the barbed wire and pulled the posts out of the
ground with our fork lift.
- Dan J. has been working on improving the landscape in this area.
-Bob W. mowed the Diana Site
- We made some progress at the Diana Site to prepare for the TIROS 50th
--We contracted with a firm to repaint the TIROS Dish (TLM-18 - Serial
#001). They will start May 26th - weather permitting.
--Architect Paul M. visited the TIROS Ground Control Center building to
gather info. to create the drawing for a new wheelchair & family
restroom in 9162
--We continued repairing problems with the original light fixtures as
seen in the 1960s National Geographic and NASA photos of the control room.
- We re-roofed 9012, the first 'H' building boiler house. This makes
another building that will not leak. Our total for the month is 9 - yes
nine buildings re-roofed since the transfer. We have re-roofed 17
buildings (seventeen) so far and four minor structures.
-We have estimates to re-roof the 'H' buildings to help us in the
preparation of a grant or a public outreach to save these historic
- The WW2 Firehouse (9031), the 60' by 60' WW2 Guard Headquarters (9029)
and the boiler building between them (9030) now have new leaders and
- Dan J. has the Computer eduction center ready for business on Sundays
- We completed removing the years of vines and trees growing from the
balance of the buildings. We will continue the prime coat of paint is
the weather is good this weekend.
-Nels W. filled five trailer loads of brush to the large pile. Thanks
to Wall public works for removing the massive pile and also emptying our
full dumpster.
-We met with the Non-Profit volunteer organization group
Blossom-International. We hope they will become an InfoAge Partner
- Our new website home page is live. Thanks to John Brown and Steve G.
for a massive amount of work. Check it out. Please note you can donate
via PayPal to our cause. Please give it a test. We will take any donation.
-Bob G. has made more progress with the Camp Evans history book. He is
working on the MET systems Chapter.
-Mike and Barb R. are working on the Wall of Honor arrangements. This
takes lots of time and effort to pull of an event like this.
-The newsletter was printed and ready for labels....guess what we will
be doing at the meeting.
-Someone tripped the fridge breaker in 9002, then left. The results
were not good. Dave Snellman cleaned the rotten food out of the 9002
fridge. Having cleaned a 'donated' fridge with rotted food I know Dave
suffered nausea and urges to - well you know.
a big thanks to Dave.

*This week events:*
-Mike G. organized a "Myth Busters' style telephone book pull with the
Neptune ROTC. Wall Twp. Public Works truck and police vs Neptune Public
Works truck and police. News Channel 12 covered the event that night on
the news.
it was a fun and educational event. Steve G. was on hand to give tours
to the two bus loads of students.
-Harry K's. Internet tutorial went fine. Thank you for all attending
including Steve M. and Larry T. of the BOT.
-Ray C. and Steve G. represented InfoAge at the Washington, DC ceremony
to recognize the first group of Preserve America Stewards. Both
gentlemen did a great job pushing our cause with the members of the
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
-On Friday evening members of the New Jersey Museum of Transportation
and the Garden State Central met in the hotel
-Also on Friday evening we held a public meeting for any public input to
our Community Block Development Grant. Thank you to Larry T. for doing
all the grant work and to Mike R. for hosting the public meeting.

-This Sunday we had a ton of visitors: On hand were: Steve G., Frank O.,
Evan K., Cicely F., Neil N., Dan J., and many others.

*** Many persons are working to help save Camp Evans and give it a
future in education and as a place to honor those who served. Thank you
to all.

*Reasons to tell persons why to donate (via check or PayPal) to our
effort NOW: *
1) Saves an incredibly historic site
2) Honors WWII Signal Corps and Honor Front veterans
3) Helps education by inspiring kids to learn science
4) Furthers the development of a NJ Shore tourist destination.
5) Will create full and part-time employment
6) Improves property values in the North Wall and Shark River area.
7) We are the White House recognized stewards of the Camp Evans Historic
District and now it is under our protection for future generations

**No Passion = No Progress. We have passion and we are progressing.**
If we do not tell kids what great things others have done to improve our
nation how can we expect them to know what they are capable of.

732 299-0894

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2201 Marconi Road, Wall Township, New Jersey, United States